2000-09-16 iモード対応のはなし―その後―
#### ユミフォーマッタ #### ver. 1.22.2000.0916(たぶんこれくらい) #### $_outputpath ="z:\\~yumi-ii\\yuminet"; $_masterdirectory ="z:\\~yumi-ii\\temp\\master"; main: { my (@dir, @htmlfile, @indexes); #### opendir(DIR, $_masterdirectory); @dir = sort(readdir(DIR)); closedir(DIR); foreach (@dir) { /^(.*)\./; push(@htmlfile, "html-$1.html"); } for (my $index = 2; $index <= $#dir; $index ++) { my ($type, $subject, $body, $current, $prev, $next); #### readfile: { my $masterfilename = $dir[$index]; open(HANDLE, "$_masterdirectory\\$masterfilename"); while (<HANDLE>) { ($type) = /^type:(.*)$/ unless $type; ($subject) = /^sub:(.*)$/ unless $subject; ($body) = /^body:(.*)$/ unless $body; } close HANDLE; } $current = $htmlfile[$index]; ## write_HTML4_form ## $prev = $index > 2 ? $htmlfile[$index - 1] : "root.html"; $next = $index < $#dir ? $htmlfile[$index + 1] : "final.html"; open(HANDLE, ">$_outputpath\\$current"); select HANDLE; doFormating("HTML4", $type, $subject, $body, $current, $prev, $next); close(HANDLE); ## write_NTTimode_form ## $prev = ($index > 2) ? $htmlfile[$index - 1] : "html-root.html"; $next = ($index < $#dir) ? $htmlfile[$index + 1] : "html-final.html"; open(HANDLE, ">$_outputpath\\c$current"); select HANDLE; doFormating("NTT_imode", $type, $subject, $body, "c$current", "c$prev", "c$next"); close(HANDLE); #### push(@indexes, {uri => $next, title, $body}) if $type eq "eyecatcher"; } ## write_indexfile ## open(HANDLE, ">index.txt"); foreach (@indexes) { print qq!<a href="$_->{uri}">$_->{title}</a> |!; } print "\n\n"; my $index = 1; foreach (@indexes) { print qq!<a href="c$_->{uri}">#$index</a> !; $index ++; } close(HANDLE); exit; } sub doFormating { sub outputHTML4Form; # 入れ子になったサブルーチンのプロトタイプ宣言 sub outputNTTimodeForm; #### local ($markupType, $type, $subject, $body, $current, $prev, $next) = @_; for ($markupType) { local ($title = "ユミの日記 「$subject」"); /^HTML4/ && do { outputHTML4Form; }; /^NTT_imode/ && do { outputNTTimodeForm; }; } return; #### sub outputHTML4Form { ## HEADER ## my $styleFile = $type eq 'diary' ? 'style-posi@2000091693.css' : 'style-nega@2000091692.css'; #### print <<EOB; <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> \t<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS"> \t<link rel=stylesheet href="./$styleFile" type="text/css"> \t<script language="JavaScript1.1" src="./js-animation\@2000081741.js"></script> \t<script language="JavaScript1.1" src="./js-msg\@2000091641.js"></script> \t<title>$title</title> </head> EOB ## BODY ## for ($type) { my $imodeUri = "c$current"; #### /^diary/ && do { print <<EOB; <body> <div class=navi> <a href="./$imodeUri" accesskey="I"> <img src="./imgs/img-\@2000081614.gif" width=16 height=16 alt="*" border=0> iモード </a> <a href="$prev" accesskey="P"> <img src="./imgs/img-\@2000081610.gif" width=16 height=16 alt="*" border=0> まえ (P) </a> <a href="$next" accesskey="N"> <img src="./imgs/img-\@2000081611.gif" width=16 height=16 alt="*" border=0> つぎ (N) </a><br> <a href="./root.html" accesskey="R" onclick="return bye()" onMouseOver="startAnimation();" onMouseOut="stopAnimation()"> <img src="./imgs/img-128x96\@1998102010.jpg" width="128" height="96" vspace=16 alt="かえるよ (R)" border=0 name=animation> </a></div> <div class=content> \t<h2>$subject</h2> \t<p>$body</p> </div> EOB }; /^eyecatcher/ && do { print <<EOB; <body> <div class=navi> <a href="$imodeUri" accesskey="I"> <img src="./imgs/img-\@2000081617.gif" width=16 height=16 alt="*" border=0> iモード </a> <a href="$prev" accesskey="P"> <img src="./imgs/img-\@2000081615.gif" width=16 height=16 alt="*" border=0> まえ (P) </a> <a href="$next" accesskey="N"> <img src="./imgs/img-\@2000081616.gif" width=16 height=16 alt="*" border=0> つぎ (N) </a> <br><a href="./root.html" onclick="return bye()" accesskey="R"> <img src="./imgs/yumititlesn.jpg" width="128" height="96" vspace=16 alt="かえるよ (R)" border=0> </a> </div> <div class=content> \t<p>$body</p> </div> EOB }; } ## FOOTER ## print <<"EOB"; </body> </html> EOB } # end of subroutine sub outputNTTimodeForm { ## HEADER ## print <<EOB; <head><title>$title</title></head> EOB ## BODY ## for ($type) { /^diary/ && do { print <<EOB; <body> [0] <a href="./chtml-root.html" accesskey="0">かえるよ</a> <br>[7] <a href="$prev" accesskey="7">まえ</a> [9] <a href="$next" accesskey="9">つぎ </a><br> <h2>$subject</h2> <br>$body EOB }; /^eyecatcher/ && do { print <<EOB; <body> [0] <a href="./chtml-root.html" accesskey="0">かえるよ</a> <br>[7] <a href="$prev" accesskey="7">まえ</a> [9] <a href="$next" accesskey="9">つぎ</a> <p>$body</p> EOB }; } ## FOOTER ## print <<"EOB"; </body> EOB } # end of subroutine }